
Why CSS Matters – Living in The Petri Dish.

I decided to talk about some of the under the hood tech that makes contemporary web sites work, with a bit of diversion about bringing print content online. We’ll demonstrate the main idea of the marriage of HTML and CSS by taking a look “backstage” with a print and web design project called, Living in The Petri Dish.

Why I dread Fridays

Almost all of the catastrophes I have had the most trouble to manage materialized on Fridays. Usually at 4:45. The previous Friday, we reviewed the pagination, cover content, and set the catalog size at 200 pages. So last Friday morning, I have an email…

Video Odyssey

I admit I was crazy enough to take on a project that rapidly morphed from a PowerPoint slideshow… to a Hi-Def Video project. Should have just said “NO”… past my tech-level. But I went and built the damn thing, and now faced with the technical problem of somehow burning a HD — presumably Blu-Ray — DVD that the client’s HD DVD gear can actually read to toss up on their honking huge 1080i Lobby Plasma Screen. Read the cautionary tale.

When do you need a Graphics Pro?

For creative pros, the market for Print Designers and Publishing Art Directors has certainly contracted. I’ve been hearing the comment more and more, “why do I need you expensive artsy prima-donnas when I can do this myself in Word?”
So just when, exactly, do you need to hire a Design Professional? Quite simply, when you want to look better than that…

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